Here are some pix from the lil time on a job I wanted, got, but couldn't accept! lolz! (it's complicated!)
anywayz, most of these picturez were taken with a point n shoot.. and a few wit my brand new (at the time) Samsung GX20.. you'll easily notice how I hadn't mastered it yet.. (yes I'd like to think I've aced it now :P)
P.S. I love Omani people ^_^
anywayz, most of these picturez were taken with a point n shoot.. and a few wit my brand new (at the time) Samsung GX20.. you'll easily notice how I hadn't mastered it yet.. (yes I'd like to think I've aced it now :P)
P.S. I love Omani people ^_^
at the airport wit ma two new colleagues
The Camp:
so far so good
in we go
Common room
on our wayz to our "bedroomz"
umm, I think we're here!
yup, those are the roomz..
bathroom! (ex-dude's stuff!)
we're all invited to EAT! we're excited
still excited..
ok now we're jus standin there..
what's cookING?
P.S. there's actually a proper kitchen restaurant in the camp, but some guyz like doin it da oil arab way..
The chef; dude in black
Food's ready are the cats :P
but then they're told off..
"the brave one"
who plays music?
Walking OUTSIDE:
another night OUTSIDE
we spot somethin..
we meet him..
..and his family
Honey on your eggz for breakfast?
my safety glassez are kewl! friend
everyone is happy when it's time to eat
I told you there was a proper restaurant ;p
why are you not dressed in BLUE? -_-
Wild life and landscape:
why you runnING?
first time I see a real fox :P
CUTE :D~~~~
in da pool
wild life? :P
sunset was so beautiful! (didn't really capture its beauty..)
who livez here?
hmm.. I like it!
I flash, they glow :P
yay I'm in a picture XD
see my coke? (I'm over that addiction now..)
we're on stand by..
I pretend..
she no pretend
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